
What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is the Yog of natural healing at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels via heightened awareness that consciously connects with a higher nature of Self or divinity .The kundalini is an energy which is in the form of a serpent sleeping in the muladhara chakra (base chakra) coiled three and a half times. It is in the waiting state, waiting for waking up. Kundalini lives in the subtle body, along with the chakras and the nadis. The subtle body also contains our energetic imprints, our mind, and patterns of energies plus any emotional blocks.

Kundalini is described as lying"coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. Kundalini Shakti is the divine spiritual power within every human being. It help us to reach the state of sacred inner presence, the divine light and love that illumines each of us and guides us to union with the One, the ultimate Reality beyond all phenomena, from which we are inseparable. Kundalini Shakti is each individual's own personal spiritual director, who strives to lead us to constant awareness of the Source.

How does kundalini awaken?

The study of Kundalini is the study of spirituality. Kundalini Shakti is the essential common factor operant in all spiritual experiences, regardless of one's path or tradition, for Kundalini is not a path in itself but is that which guides us along our chosen path. The ancient science of understanding Kundalini Shakti is found in all spiritual traditions, though varying terms and symbols are used to describe it, and many methods are used to attain it.

Yoga is one of the primary ways that Kundalini can awaken. Kundalini can be awakened by spiritual transmission by a Guru or teacher or by spiritual practices such as yoga or meditation.There are two broad approaches to Kundalini awakening: active and passive. The active approach involves systematic physical exercises and techniques of concentration, visualization, pranayama (breath practice) and meditation under the guidance of a Sadguru. These techniques come from any of the four main branches of yoga, and some forms of yoga, such as Kriya yoga, Kundalini yoga and Sahaja yoga emphasize Kundalini techniques. The passive approach is instead a path of surrender where one lets go of all the impediments to the awakening rather than trying to actively awaken Kundalini. A chief part of the passive approach is shaktipat where one individual's Kundalini is awakened by another who already has the experience. Shaktipat only raises Kundalini temporarily but gives the student an experience to use as a basis.

Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss. This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.

Kundalini awakening symptoms

When the kundalini has awakened in your body when, during meditation, one experiences different phenomenon which he has never experienced before. That could be divine visions, smells you never smelled before, a blissful taste or hearing sounds you never heard before.

The sensation of something is rising above from the base and rigorous internal movements may be felt while awakening kundalini.
One feels the sensations in your root chakra or when your body hairs are involuntarily raised

While doing Yog Sadhana body locks naturally, even though you never did them before, this is one of the kundalini awakening symptoms. Such involuntary body locks could be sucking out the air of your stomach, raising the air up the root chakra or resting the chin on the chest.

The breath stops without any effort in people whose kundalini shakti is awake.
One experiences bliss and pleasant, these are the kundalini awakening symptoms.
Mind becomes stable and relaxed.
When, during meditation, your eyes naturally focus in the third eye chakra, that's a kundalini awakening sign.

One feels vibrations of energy in different parts of your body and you get involuntary jerks that feel like electricity shocks.

  • One feels that body becomes light weight, until you don't feel it at all.
  • When electric currents flow up and down in your body, it's the sign of an awakened kundalini energy.
  • One may start understanding natural powers with the help of kundalini.
  • One becomes self-realized.
  • One of the important symptoms of awakened kundalini is your ability to remain calm when catastrophic/negative conditions present themselves.
  • When you experience divine bliss, the bliss that can't be explained in words, this is due to the kundalini that's awake in you.

Benefits/Purpose of kundalini Shakti :-

Basic benefits of Kundalini Shakti are strength, steadiness, boldness, lightness of body, perception of self and isolation which is freedom or final beatitude for strong healthy lives. Let us understand the benefits in detail:

  • 1. One may achieve different types of siddhi's such as Anima(one may become as minute as possible), Mahima(one becomes as bid as he likes. Fill up the universe, or assume a Virat Swarupa), Laghima(make the body as light as possible and travel the skies), Garima (make the body heavy like a mountain), Prapti (acquires the power of extending and touching the sun and moon or the skies. Predicting future events, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, thought-reading, understand different languages of animals and birds. Know, unknown languages and cure all illnesses), Prakamya(yogi can dive and stay under water as long as possible), Vashitvam(taming wild animals and bringing them under ones control. Also bring men, woman and elements under subjection), Ishivam(Attaining divine power the yogi becomes the Lord of the universe), etc.
  • 2. Freedom from hunger and thirst.
  • 3. Freedom from the effects of heat and cold.
  • 4. Freedom from shad vikar.
  • 5. Clairvoyance and Doordrishti, Doora Pravachana, Clairaudience
  • 6. Mano-Jaya: control of mind
  • 7. Karma rupa: can enter any form he likes
  • 8. Parakaya Pravesha (kaya kalpa): Enter another living body, can animate a dead body or enter into it by transferring his soul.
  • 9. Iccha-Mrityu: Death at Will
  • 10. Devanam Saha Kreeda and Darshana: Playing with the Gods after seeing them.
  • 11. Yatha Sankalpa: can get whatever he likes
  • 12. Tri-Kala Jnana: Knowledge of past-present and future
  • 13. Advandva: Going beyond the pairs of opposites
  • 14. Vak-Siddhi: whatever predicted will come to pass, prophecy.
  • 15. Turn base metal into gold.
  • 16. Kaya-Vyuha: Taking as many bodies as the yogi likes to exhaust all his Karmas in one life.
  • 17. Darduri-Siddhi: jumping power of a frog
  • 18. Patala siddhi: Yogi becomes Lord of desire, destroys sorrows and diseases.
  • 19. Yogi gets knowledge of his past life.
  • 20. He gets knowledge of the planetary system
  • 21. He gets the power of perceiving the Siddhas
  • 22. Mastery over (Bhuta Jaya) of elements and (Prana Jaya) Prana.
  • 23. Kamachari: yogi moves to any place he likes
  • 24. He gets omnipotence and omniscience
  • 25. Vayu Siddhi: The yogi rises in the air and leaves the ground.
  • 26. Generates psychic heat in the body through the practice of Bhastrika Pranayama.
  • 27. He can bear extremes of climates without discomfort.
  • 28. The autonomic nervous system is in equilibrium, pulse rate reduces, blood pressure decreases, cardiovascular efficiency increases, lungs proficiency increases, gastrointestinal function improve, endocrine function normalizes, excretory functions improve, musculoskeletal flexibility and joint suppleness in motion increase and so on so forth.
  • 29. Heightened sense of awareness in somatic and kinesthetic increase, mood swings improves, self-wellbeing, self- acknowledgement and self-realization increase, Adjustment increases, anxiety, stress and depression decrease, Anger diminishes, concentration increases, memory sharpens and social skills, learning ability improves and through symbolic coding depth of perception improve

In short, if one first separates oneself from the body and identifies with mind function there, by concentration one rise above body-mind consciousness and finally through Samadhi reaches the goal.That in turn strengthens the body-mind connection at the physical level, the emotional at the psyche level and the spiritual beyond the infinite level of fearlessness reinforced by the pure consciousness.