What is Spiritual vision?
Each and every human being on this earth is bestowed with spiritual power, but human being is less aware of its use. Spiritual vision lies in the similar entries list. All human beings have a third eye, similar to the eye of Shiva. This eye lies in the area of forehead at a certain distance above the center of the two eyebrows. When this eye opens, a person is said to gain spiritual vision.
Spiritual vision is the vision gained after the opening of the third eye which has the power to visualize the things which are beyond our reach or without been physically present at the location. The very common example of spiritual vision is the one incident that happened in Mahabharata.
Sanjaya, son of charioteer Gavalgana, was the blind king Dhritarashtra's advisor and also his charioteer. As Dhritarashtra was blind he could not see the war between kauravas and pandavas. Sanjaya stayed with Dhritarashtra in his palace. At that time Lord Krishna had granted spiritual vision to Sanjaya, because of which he could see the ongoing war siting inside the palace without being physically there. And so sanjaya could narrate the war description to Dhritarashtra with the help of his spiritual vision. Conclusion is that Spiritual vision is such a wonderful power which can take you to anyplace in the universe(depending upon you spiritual progress) and also allows you to see the divine visions which we cannot see with our original material eyes.
In basic terminology, spiritual vision makes you aware of the truth. As the material world will come to an end some or the other day but what stays is the spiritual world. In this case spiritual vision helps you to investigate about the spiritual truth. Does God exist? If yes, where is he? How does he look? Is heaven and hell a reality? If yes where is it? What is the purpose of our soul? What happens after we die? Where we go after we die? All such questions are answered by this spiritual vision.
Process of spiritual vision :-
Spiritual vision is not an easy dream. For this you require that all seven sapta charkras are opened and the soul is free from the adnya chakra and sahastradal chakra and can easily travel through nadi to reach out of the material body through bhramarandra. For spiritual vision, our subtle body in which the soul resides is passes out through bhramarandra and is taken to the place where it wants to reach. When the subtle body reaches the destination, the vision of the destination is seen through the third eye.
In short spiritual vision is the opening of the third eye, also called the eye of truth. One can acquire this type of vision through personal hard work or through a powerful Guru. The personal hard work may take uncountable years, so it's better to find such Guru who can easily grant you such power through his grace.
Importance of spiritual vision :-
Spiritual vision is type of sadhana acquired through meditation. Once a person gains such a power, he is expected to utilize it for his and other's spiritual wellbeing. Some of its importance's are as follows:
The ultimate purpose is that spiritual vision takes us closer to GOD and transforms your material world to spiritual world.